Our Mission

To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we go starting with the people of Nevada. To Love the unloveable, reach the unreachable and bring hope to the hopeless by guiding/pointing them into a relationship with God through Jesus. Confessing our love of Jesus Christ and His People (Sheep) through feeding them both spiritual (God’s Word) & physical food. To make disciples. (John 21:15)

Jeffrey Marsh

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" Matthew 5.6

This is what We do

This is what we do: we pray to find solace and strength, we love to build connections and cherish moments, and we feed to nurture our bodies and souls, creating a tapestry of meaningful experiences.

We Pray

We pray to find peace within ourselves, seek guidance in times of uncertainty, and express gratitude for the blessings in our lives.

We Love

We love to connect deeply with others, share our joys and sorrows, and create lasting memories that enrich our lives.

We Feed

We feed to nourish our bodies, sustain our energy, and share moments of togetherness around the table.

Tend my Sheep donations

Our Vision

We are a boots-on-the-ground Holy Spirit Filled Christian Outreach Ministry who are called and sent to share the Gospel, God’s Word to give glory honor and praise to the King of kings and Lord of lords. We are here to reach out to those who are unseen, unheard, and abandoned. We are the vessel God uses to go after the 1 he left the 99 for. We are the one’s he uses to “Tend His Sheep”.  Here we are Lord use us.

We are committed to:

  • Worship God through the Word, Sacrament, Music, and Christian Community;
  • Our love value is to know and have a relationship with Jesus Christ, no matter where they are on their walk in life;
  • Empowering others – individuals and families – to discover the power of the Holy Spirit through faith that is active in everyday life;

Grow His ministry with individuals who have a desire to serve as Jesus served through His Words, prayer, sacrifice, and the community.


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Creating Impact

Creating impact for “Tend My Sheep Las Vegas” involves a heartfelt commitment to nurturing and guiding those in need. It starts with understanding the unique challenges and needs of the community you aim to serve. By setting clear, compassionate goals, you can create programs that provide not only physical sustenance but also emotional and spiritual support. Engaging volunteers and collaborators who share your vision amplifies your efforts, creating a network of care and support. Regularly assessing the effectiveness of your initiatives ensures that you are meeting the needs of your community and allows for continuous improvement. Sharing stories of transformation and success can inspire others to join your cause, creating a ripple effect of positive change. Through dedicated action and genuine care, “Tend My Sheep Las Vegas” can make a profound and lasting impact on the lives it touches.

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